Ah, coffee. The magical elixir that transforms us from groggy zombies into semi-functional adults. But not all coffee is created equal, and if you’ve ever waded through the ocean of coffee labels, certifications, and buzzwords—Direct Trade, Fair Trade, Organic, Shade Grown, Bird Whispered (okay, I made that one up)—you know it can be more confusing than trying to explain quantum physics to your dog. Let’s clear things up, shall we?

For over 20 years, our family has been “committed” (read: ‘obsessed’) with bringing you coffee that’s not only amazing but also guilt-free. If you’ve ever bought Spirit Mountain coffee, whether in the U.S. or the Dominican Republic, congratulations—you’ve purchased Direct Trade coffee. And when I say ‘Direct’, I mean ‘direct’. Like, “we’re basically delivering it to your door with a smile and a high-five” direct. We’ve built long-term relationships with over 30 coffee shops and roasters around the world, and trust me, they know us by name.

We like to think our coffee is the best value out there. It’s not just the caffeine talking—we care about our people, the planet, and even the birds! Yep, you read that right. We’re basically running a coffee farm-slash-bird resort, with over 300 acres of reforested land that supports both endemic and migratory birds. You won’t find many coffee farms growing under such a diverse canopy of shade trees because, let’s be honest, full-sun coffee plantations might be more productive, but they’re not as ‘romantic’ —and let’s face it, our coffee’s as much about the love as it is about the beans.

Now, let’s talk certifications. Once upon a time, we wore our certifications like badges of honor: Smithsonian Bird Friendly, Rainforest Alliance, UTZ—you name it, we had it. We were basically the coffee world’s version of a Girl Scout with a vest full of badges. But then we realized, “Why are we paying so much for people to tell us we’re awesome when our partners already know we’re awesome?” Most of our partners have actually been to the farm and seen firsthand how we operate. It’s like bringing your teacher to your science fair project instead of just sending in a photo—they see the effort, they get the picture. So now we do what we’ve always done—grow great coffee and care for the environment—without the extra paperwork.

For those of you lucky enough to have visited the farm, you know how ‘special’ it is to see your coffee go from tree to roaster to bag. I mean, watching Delvie roast beans on our homemade roaster is like witnessing coffee magic in action. And then, you get to help bag it yourself and take it home, still warm from the roasting. That’s Direct Trade at its finest, folks. Plus, if you’ve ever left without stuffing your suitcase full of coffee for your friends, you’ve missed a golden opportunity for eternal gratitude. Trust me, bring them a bag and they’ll owe you for life—or at least until the next bag.

Now, I know you’re wondering, “How can I get my hands on this magical bean juice?” Well, let me introduce you to Kathryn Brook, our youngest daughter and the family’s coffee ambassador. She spent years dancing in New York City with Alvin Ailey (yes, she’s talented in more ways than one), but because no one in the arts gets by without a side hustle, she quickly became a pro in the third-wave specialty coffee scene. Now living in Denver, she’s launched her own business, Farm To Cup Consulting, and yes, you can order your DIRECT TRADE Spirit Mountain coffee directly from Kate. If it gets any more direct than this, you’re going to have to come roast the beans yourself. Kate knows the farm inside and out—she grew up there! She’s as passionate about coffee as she is about, well, everything.

If you want to impress your friends (or yourself), try our “Estate Geisha” coffee. Geisha is like the Beyoncé of the coffee world—rare, sought-after, and just a little bit magical. And our Geisha from the Dominican Republic? It’s basically a unicorn. So go ahead, treat yourself. In the meantime, drink up, and remember, when you sip Spirit Mountain coffee, you’re not just enjoying an amazing cup—you’re part of something much bigger. And if you visit the farm, I promise there’s always more coffee where that came from. And maybe a bike ride. Or a hike. And definitely a good story.

ORDER NOW— before Kate runs out of coffee and starts roasting the family pets (kidding…mostly).

Un Fuerte Abrazo,

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